How long does it take to build a prefab house

How long does it take to build a house

How long it takes to build a prefab home depends on several factors. The type of prefabrication technique you choose, whether it is a modular home, panel-built home or log house will all play a role in the length of time it takes to build your home.

Other factors include the size of your home and your manufacturer’s capacity to build, among a host of others. As prefabrication becomes more popular you will find your chosen manufacturer may be backlogged for quite some time.

We will look at some of the factors that impact the length of time it takes to manufacture a house off-site.

One thing to note though, houses built using prefabrication are often much faster than traditional construction methods.

A timeline for prefabricated homes and their difference from traditional construction

Though not all construction projects are the same, most prefabricated homes follow a similar pathway.

It’s important to discuss in detail with your chosen manufacturer, deadlines and expected due dates.

We will make a comparison between houses built using prefabrication techniques, and houses built using traditional construction to highlight the difference in time.

The planning phase:

The planning phase is always the starting point for building any home.

Where traditional builds may take months of planning, involving architects, surveyors and builders, the simplistic approach of prefabricated homes means you choose the style of home and its size.

This can be done in a mix-and-match option, or you simply choose a set design.

This method greatly reduces the time spent in the planning phase for prefab homes. The time here can be reduced from months and weeks to a matter of days.

While manufacturers across Europe and the UK will have a variety of options to choose from, this is a far more productive and useful use of time.

New homeowners can often be bogged down in the details, prefab homes take away this hassle.

The prefab home construction phase

Once you have chosen the type of home you want, whether it is a log house from UAB Zaskov-Grup or a panel-built home from Norges Hus, your chosen manufacturer can begin building your home off-site, piece by piece.

With pre-arranged assembly stations, ready-to-use materials and tools your home can be constructed in a matter of weeks.

The factory floor settings ensure safe and secure conditions that most traditional construction sites cannot offer.

With a cleaner more efficient workspace devoid of traffic and weather issues your manufacturer can prioritise your home.

Working to pre-arranged schedules and deadlines you can plan the development of your home more accurately than a traditional build.

Installing utilities and services

While the factory-build phase of your home is taking place, the foundations and installation of important utilities including water, electricity and communication connections can be arranged.

This dual arrangement is another aspect that greatly improves the speed at which your prefabricated home can be ready.

Once your utilities are in place and the sections of your home are finished offsite, it is time for the most important phase.

Onsite assembly

The assembly aspect of your home will of course take place onsite. The assembly period may take a matter of weeks and involve the connection of utilities and the arrangement of your home living sectors.

The assembly phase will involve an onsite team along with heavy machinery for lifting and placing each sector of your home.

From planning to final assembly, you can see the numerous areas in which prefab homes are faster and more efficient to construct.

There are often mitigating factors that affect a home being built. We will look at a number of these also and see home prefab home builds differ from more traditional building methods.

Interior of Wee house prefab
Image courtesy of Tiny House World: model Wellness Lodge 60m2

Factors that affect your prefabricated home timeline

Adverse weather conditions

Traditional construction methods are often affected by adverse weather conditions. For the most part, this is not the case for prefabricated homes.

Prefab homes are built on specially designed factory floors. They are not affected by outdoor weather conditions and the indoor environment is specially designed for safe and secure manufacturing of all the vital components of your home.

You will never be affected by tradesmen unable to work or storms affecting the construction of your home.

The only time that weather may affect your home is during the assembly phase.

This will be minimal in comparison to traditional building approaches.

The size of your home

Of course, the size of your home is likely to be the main contributing factor to the length of time it takes to build your home.

The time it takes to build and assemble your home will be better understood by your manufacturer. Once you have chosen your building plan, they will be able to provide you with an accurate timeline of your home based on experience and their construction backlog.

As we have seen already though, homes of a similar size using traditional methods will take far longer to produce.

Materials required for your prefab home build

Another major aspect that affects how all homes are built is the access and availability of materials such as concrete, wood, roofing tiles etc.

Traditional construction methods rely on deliveries, stores having materials available, drivers being available on specific days and a host of other supply-chain components.

Prefab manufacturers will have the materials necessary and onsite. This allows them to produce homes at a far greater rate and with minimal wastage.

With appropriate planning, prefab house building can continue at a prearranged pace devoid of disruptions.

Even while looking at regular hurdles to home construction, we can see the benefits that prefab homes provide.

But with such quick turnaround times, are prefab homes strong?


How long does a prefabricated home last?

Just like your traditional home, a prefab building can last a long time depending on the quality of the manufacturer, the type of home you choose and the materials used.

Panel-built and log houses are often built with longevity in mind and life spans can range up to 50+ years.

With more innovative techniques and building options arising, the trend and longevity of prefab homes are set to rise.

Is a prefab house safe?

Similar in vein to the questions regarding how strong prefab homes are and how long will prefab homes last, many potential homeowners are worried about the safety of prefab homes.

As they should be. All homeowners should be knowledgeable and trusting in the builders and manufacturers.

Prefab homes are built to the same building standards as traditional homes. For the most part, they go through the same checks and balances as a regular home.

However, they also benefit from the factory-floor setting. Issues and problems can be identified on factory floors and rectified quickly.

As prefab homes often follow a similar construction pattern, those working on your home have a more in-depth knowledge of all the features of your home, ensuring they eradicate safety concerns.

So, with improved construction timelines, equal or improved building techniques and a higher rate of safety understanding, prefab homes may be the ideal choice for you.

Are prefab homes strong?

Post-WWII impressions of prefab homes were that they were unsafe, leaky, cold and not suitable to live in long term. But now, that cannot be further from the truth.

Prefab homes are designed and built with the latest technology and building techniques.

They are often more insulated and better at retaining heat than homes built using traditional construction methods, while the materials used are of the highest quality ensuring a long life for your prefab home.

Many prefab homes are just as strong if not stronger than average homes.

Prefab homes are strong and long-lasting and will provide your family with the warmth and comfort that you desire.

Featured image: Ivika 1-106 model by Akso-Haus

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